North East Indian Linguistics Society



Papers 2025

Please note: The Call for Abstracts is closed now.

We are happy to announce the call for papers for the upcoming conference of the North East Indian Linguistics Society. This coming year the conference is hosted by the Department of Tenyidie at Nagaland University in Kohima, Nagaland from February 6-8, 2025.

As the primary focus of NEILS is the description of the rich cultural-linguistic diversity that
exists in North East India, papers should have a primary descriptive component, preferably
from a functional-typological or anthropological-linguistic perspective. Field reports are
acceptable. Papers whose sole or primary focus is formal, theoretical and/or computational in
nature, or papers whose focus is about languages not spoken in North East India, are unlikely
to be accepted for presentation. However, we will consider papers concerning languages
spoken in the areas of Myanmar, China, Bhutan, Bangladesh and West Bengal that border the

To present a paper at the conference, please prepare an abstract of no more than 500 words
(exclusive of data and references, if any). Please write your abstract using only Times New
Roman, 12pt. In the first line(s), give the full title of your paper; below it give your name and
affiliation (e.g., [Stephen Morey (La Trobe University)]; below it leave one line empty; and
below that, give the abstract, followed by references, if any. Examples/tables/figures should
be inserted where discussed, rather than at the end of the abstract.

Please submit your abstract no later than September 15, 2024 on the LinguistList EasAbs website. To do so, please use the following link:

Notification of abstract acceptance will occur in October, with early registration planned for November.